
Azerbaijani Language Courses

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Azerbaijani Language Courses

Azerbaijani Language Courses – This is a high-quality and responsible teaching of Azerbaijani language under the supervision of highly qualified teachers which have considerable experience of teaching the Azerbaijani language as a foreign language, for the foreign staff of the Azerbaijani and foreign companies.

We offer following training programs:
• General course of Azerbaijani Language for children and adults
• Business course
• Specialized courses (for financiers, lawyers, hotel and tourism business staff etc.)
• Preparation for exams

This course can be formed based on your current needs in language skills, i.e. completely individual topics depending on necessary skills and time.
The mission of our courses is to provide the best quality service in the field of teaching of Azerbaijani language as a foreign language for all foreign specialists working in Azerbaijan market.

We are confident that you will appreciate:

• Individual approach to each trainee;
• Qualification of our teachers;
• Quality of education,
• Providing of company manager with all kind of trainings;
• Flexible schedule of trainings.

+(994)12 5551920 +(994)70 2551920

söz birləşməsi

Elanın nömrəsi: 49064 Baxış sayı: 160 Əlavə edilmə tarixi: 10 Avq 2017

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